Years 3 and 4
Our question banks and ready-made resources offer you the flexibility to embed formative assessment in your teaching and learning sequence.
- Build pupil confidence through experience and discussion
- Deepen understanding through effective questioning and challenge
- Confidently judge whether your pupils are meeting age-related expectations

What’s included?
Determine how secure your pupils’ reading comprehension skills are with our three reading question banks. Use alongside teacher assessment and reading schemes for a holistic view of pupil attainment.
Key Stage 1: Perfect for your less confident readers along with plenty of texts at the Year 3 and 4 standard, this question bank is full of reading comprehensions sourced from past KS1 SATs papers.
Key Stage 2: Suited to more able readers (along with a few texts specifically aimed at Years 3 and 4), this question bank is full of reading comprehensions sourced from past KS2 SATs and Year 3, 4, 5 optional test papers.
Reading by content domain: Search for questions that assess a specific reading skill, e.g. 2d making inferences and justify using evidence from the text. This bank sources content from the KS1 and KS2 question banks breaking each comprehension into individual questions.
Perfect for
Whole class shared reading sessions
- Search by topic, genre or type a keyword into the quick index search, e.g. myths and legends, for texts and comprehensions suited to your needs
- Annotate, highlight and answer on screen
- Save annotations, including pupil responses, for future cohorts and as evidence of learning
Guided Reading sessions
- Source a wide variety of texts which can be completed in a 20 minute session
- Target key reading comprehension skills (use Reading by content domain)
- Build confidence through discussion and application
- Display on the interactive whiteboard or print
Print or share a link with parents for a paperless version.
Ready-made resources and assessments
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Assess the Key Stage 1 and 2 national curriculum for grammar, punctuation and spelling with this question bank. Use the evidence from your pupils’ responses to help inform your teacher assessed judgements.
Search by:
- Topic, e.g. clauses
- Response type, e.g. matching, short written answer etc
- Keywords using our quick index search, e.g. noun phrases
Perfect for
Grammar lessons
- Probe pupil thinking with individual questions. Ideal for starters, classwork and plenaries
- Determine next steps with hinge-point questions
- Create compilations for quick quizzes and retrieval practice
- Adapt and edit questions as desired
Print or share a link with parents for a paperless version.
Ready-made resources and assessments
- Primary grammar, punctuation and spelling progression map
Explore the wide variety of assessment items in our maths question banks, including past SATs, adapted and specially commissioned questions as well as the ready-to-progress questions and tasks.
Confidently source reliable questions that assess your pupils’ procedural fluency from our Arithmetic question banks. Use our Reasoning question bank to encourage your pupils to apply their skills and understanding. Mark schemes are also included to support you with your ongoing assessments.
Visit the:
- Key Stage 1 question bank to revisit and activate prior learning
- Year 3, 4, 5 question bank for questions specifically written for these year groups
- Key Stage 2 question bank for past KS2 SATs questions that assess objectives taught in years 3 to 6
- Beyond times tables question bank to test knowledge of times tables and extend application of them
Perfect for
Maths lessons
- Probe pupil thinking with individual questions. Ideal for starters, classwork and plenaries
- Create compilations for quick quizzes, topic tests and retrieval practice
- Adapt and edit questions as desired
- Print as PDF or share a link with parents for a paperless version
- Use questions as a stimulus for fun, practical activities that can be practised at home
Ready-made resources and assessments
- White Rose and Maths Mastery aligned topic tests
- Primary Maths Progression Map
- KS2 Maths Starters and Plenaries
- KS2 Arithmetic tests
- KS2 Reasoning topic tests
- Year 3, 4, 5 mid-year tests
Assess the skills, knowledge and understanding taught throughout Key Stage 2 with our KS2 Science question bank.
Confidently source reliable test questions that encourage your pupils to apply their skills and understanding. Mark schemes are also included to support you with your ongoing assessments.
Search by:
- Topic
- Level of difficulty (demand)
- National curriculum objective (years 3 to 6)
- Skill (Working scientifically)
Perfect for
Science lessons
- Use individual questions to probe pupil thinking (starters, classwork and plenaries)
- Create compilations for quick quizzes, topic tests and retrieval practice
- Use questions as a stimulus for engaging, practical science activities
- Adapt and edit questions as desired
- Print or share a link with parents for a paperless version
- Use questions as a stimulus for fun, practical activities that can be practised at home
Ready-made resources and assessments
- KS2 Practical Science activities
- KS2 Science projects
“Testbase is especially good for identifying vocabulary in questions that children can struggle with.”
Catherine Butler, Year Three, Bruce Grove Primary School