Testbase Standardised Tests
Available from September 2024, Testbase Standardised Tests are a WHOLE-SCHOOL suite of termly summative tests (Autumn, Spring and Summer Term) for Years 1 to 6; giving teachers confidence in assessing age-related expectations and informing targeted and adaptive teaching.
Perfectly-pitched by expert collaborators and tested by thousands of primary pupils across the country, this comprehensive suite consists of tests for MATHS, READING and ENGLISH GPS. Our tests are quality assured alongside AQA to ensure all our materials have the highest quality content you expect from the UK’s leading exam board.
Closely reflecting the style and format of the national curriculum tests, these summative assessments were developed to help teachers assess their pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the English national curriculum.
For deeper insights into your pupils’ performance, enter your marks into MERiT, our powerful online reporting tool. Included with your subscription.
Downloadable tests and guidance are included as part of a Complete Primary Package subscription. Printed tests (delivered directly to your school) are ordered separately using our online order form – you will need a Complete Primary Package to order.

We can sustainably print and deliver to you on premium paper at the same or less than printing in-school!
Why choose us?
Quality and trusted termly standardised assessment
for maths, reading and English GPS, which closely reflects the style and format of the national curriculum tests (SATs)
AQA – quality assured
to ensure all our materials have the highest quality content you expect from the UK’s leading exam board
Flexibility to print internally or delivered directly
to you at less cost than printing in-school
Online reporting tool
MERiT takes your pupils’ marks and does the analysis for you.
30 years
of providing primary school quality assessment tools
“The most helpful aspect of the tests is that they allow you to compare outcomes for cohorts or individual children across a range of criteria not only with outcomes within the school but also with the population average for all schools who have submitted results.”
What’s included?
- Arithmetic paper
- Reasoning papers
- Digital teacher guidance
Our tests have been quality assured alongside AQA to ensure all our materials have the highest quality content you expect from the UK’s leading exam board.
(Downloadable tests and guidance are included as part of a Complete Primary Package subscription. Printed tests (delivered directly to your school) are ordered separately using our online order form – you will need a Complete Primary Package to order).

- Reading prompt booklets
- Reading answer booklets
- Digital teacher guidance
We’ve designed our tests to reflect the style and format of the KS2 National Curriculum Tests (SATs) to help build pupil familiarity and confidence.
(Downloadable tests and guidance are included as part of a Complete Primary Package subscription. Printed tests (delivered directly to your school) are ordered separately using our online order form – you will need a Complete Primary Package to order).

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
- Punctuation and grammar test
- Spelling tests
- Digital teacher guidance
Perfectly-pitched by expert collaborators and tested by thousands of pupils, our tests provide the evidence teachers need in order to have the confidence in their ARE data judgement.
(Downloadable tests and guidance are included as part of a Complete Primary Package subscription. Printed tests (delivered directly to your school) are ordered separately using our online order form – you will need a Complete Primary Package to order).

MERiT (included with your subscription)
- Scaled scores
- Pupil-level analysis
- Class-level analysis
- Question-level analysis
- Content domain breakdown
For deeper insights into your pupils’ performance, enter your marks into our powerful online reporting tool. MERiT takes your pupils’ marks and does the analysis for you. It generates class and individual reports enabling you to check your pupils are on track, produce reports for parents and feed data back into school management systems.

Easy-to-use online reporting and insights tool (MERiT), included in your subscription
The MERiT insights and reporting tool combines with the Testbase Standardised Tests to allow you to compare your pupils’ performance against the national population, giving you valuable insight on which to base teaching and learning decisions, and the transfer of best practice across your school or Trust.
MERiT comes with a mark entry app or spreadsheet for instant feedback and insights.
MERiT Mark entry app
Population averages are published when the means stabilise to give you the most reliable comparisons.
Please note, pupil details will need to be uploaded by an appropriate person in your school so that you, an administrator or TA can enter the marks. Pupil details can be added quickly and easily via our relationship with Wonde.
Schools with 3 or fewer months left on their Testbase Primary Package subscription can renew and extend their subscription for £395 via the Testbase order form. Please note no days are lost; we will add 365 days to the existing subscription.
Schools with more than 3 months left on their Testbase subscription can upgrade for £100 to align their existing subscription end dates. To upgrade please email us at