Question banks

Unlock your pupils’ full potential in Years 1 to 6

Get instant access to thousands of high-quality assessment questions for Years 1 to 6, all aligned to the KS1 and KS2 national curriculum; including national curriculum (SATs), optional and specially commissioned test questions. Every question comes with its related mark scheme so you can evaluate your pupils’ work in line with national standards.

  • Save time searching by topic, national curriculum and level of difficulty to target your pupils’ needs
  • Build pupil confidence through experience and discussion
  • Identify gaps in understanding, probe thinking and draw out misconceptions

Key Stage 1

KS1 Spelling

For ages 5 to 7 / For Years 1 to 2

This question bank has been designed to assess the range of taught spelling skills in Years 1 and 2.

This question bank supports familiarisation with sentence completion formats.

Year 1 Phonics

For ages 5 to 7 / For Years 1 and 2

Prepare your pupils for the Year 1 phonics screening check with examples sourced from the past tests. Searchable by grapheme, phase and word type. The first 100 high frequency and tricky words are also included.

KS1 Reading

For ages 5 to 8 / For Years 1 to 4

Discover a wide range of question types, text types and topics, including complete comprehensions along with the related text (all sourced from past KS1 SATs papers). Mapped to topic, level of difficulty and genre.

Reading by content domain

For ages 7 to 11 / For Years 2 to 6

Containing our more challenging KS1 texts, as well as those from KS2, this question bank allows you to search for individual questions that assess a specific reading skill (content domain), e.g. 1d make inferences from the text.

Primary Grammar and Punctuation

For ages 5 to 11 / For Years 1 to 6

Find individual or sets of questions that assess a particular topic or skill. This bank is filled with questions from the KS1 and KS2 spelling, grammar and punctuation SATs papers. Questions have been mapped to topic and response type for ease of use.

Beyond Times Tables

For ages 5 to 11 / For Years 1 to 6

This question bank has been designed to build your pupils’ confidence and develop fluency in their times tables knowledge. Perfect for all year groups.

Find out more

KS1 Arithmetic & Reasoning

For ages 5 to 7 / For Years 1 and 2

These question banks contain thousands of questions that assess both procedural fluency and/or conceptual understanding of the skills and concepts that are taught in Years 1 and 2.

Primarily sourced from past KS1 SATs papers, each question has been mapped to topic, level of difficulty, question type and the national curriculum objective it assesses. The ready-to-progress questions released by the DfE (in partnership with NCTEM) have also been included (for Years 1 and 2).

Key Stage 2

Primary Spelling

For ages 5 to 11 / For Years 1 to 6

This question bank has been designed to assess the range of taught spelling skills throughout the primary years. Search by year group, spelling rule and/or level of difficulty.

Perfect for weekly spelling quizzes and morning work.

Year 3, 4, 5 Arithmetic & Reasoning

For ages 7 to 10 / For Years 3 to 5

Developed with Year 3, 4 and 5 pupils in mind, the vast range of questions will assess both procedural fluency and/or conceptual understanding of the mathematical skills and concepts that are taught in these year groups.

KS2 Arithmetic & Reasoning

For ages 7 to 11 / For Years 3 to 6

Primarily sourced from past KS2 SATs and Year 3, 4 and 5 optional test papers, these question banks contain thousands of questions that assess both procedural fluency and/or conceptual understanding of the skills and concepts that are taught in Years 3 to 6.

Beyond Times Tables

For ages 5 to 11 / For Years 1 to 6

This question bank has been designed to build your pupils’ confidence and develop fluency in their times tables knowledge. Perfect for all year groups.

Find out more

KS2 Reading

For ages 7 to 11 / For Years 3 to 6

Includes complete comprehensions along with the related text (all sourced from past SATs and optional test papers). Mapped to topic, level of difficulty and genre.

Reading by content domain

For ages 6 to 11 / For Years 2 to 6

Source individual or sets of questions that assess a specific reading skill (content domain). Includes the more challenging KS1 texts as well as the KS2 content.

Primary Grammar and Punctuation

For ages 5 to 11 / For Years 1 to 6

Assess the Key Stage 1 and 2 national curriculum for grammar, punctuation and spelling with questions sourced from past SATs papers. Mapped to topic and response type for ease of use.

KS2 Science

For ages 7 to 11 / For Years 3 to 6

Hundreds of questions that assess the skills and concepts that are taught throughout KS2.

Sourced from past KS2 SATs papers, each question has been mapped to topic, level of demand and the national curriculum objective / skill it assesses (organised by year group).

Instant access

Your subscription will give you instant access to high-quality questions that are:

  • designed to save teacher time finding and preparing relevant teaching and assessment material
  • grouped by national curriculum and level of challenge
  • perfect for building pupil confidence through experience and discussion
  • suitable from Year 1 to Year 6.



Key Stage 1

  • Year 1 Phonics
  • Spelling
  • Arithmetic
  • Reading
  • Reasoning

Ready-made resources

  • End of Year 1 assessments
  • Year 2 Arithmetic tests
  • KS1 White Rose aligned topic tests
  • Year 2 Grammar from reading
  • KS1 Whiteboard Guided Reading



Everything in
Infant Package


Key Stage 2

  • NEW CONTENT! Year 3, 4, 5 Arithmetic
  • NEW CONTENT! Year 3, 4, 5 Reasoning
  • NEW CONTENT! Year 3, 4, 5 Punctuation and Grammar
  • Arithmetic
  • Reading
  • Reasoning
  • Science
  • Beyond Times Tables

Key Stages 1 & 2

  • Primary Spelling
  • Primary Grammar and Punctuation
  • Reading by Content Domain

Key Stage 3

Included FREE!

Ready-made resources

  • KS2 Whiteboard Guided Reading
  • Primary Maths Progression Map
  • KS2 White Rose aligned topic tests
  • KS2 Maths Starters and Plenaries
  • KS2 Arithmetic tests
  • KS2 Reasoning Topic tests
  • KS2 Practical Science activities
  • KS2 Science project

Complete Primary Package


Everything in
Primary Package


Testbase Standardised Tests (NEW for September 2024)

High-quality SATs style summative assessments for Years 1 to 6 (reading, GPS and maths).

  • Year 1 – 6 termly tests

Mark schemes, teacher guidance included.

(Downloadable tests and guidance are included as part of a Complete Primary Package subscription. Printed tests (delivered directly to your school) are ordered separately using our online order form – you will need a Complete Primary Package to order).

MERiT – online mark entry and reporting tool

Enter Testbase Standardised Test marks to:

  • obtain question-by-question analysis
  • view strengths and weaknesses by curriculum strand
  • benchmark performance against the population


Price on application

Everything in
Complete Primary Package


Testbase for MATs

  • Cross-MAT reporting
  • Share assessment best practice
  • Early access to new features in product pilots
  • Assessments tailored to specific schemes of work
  • Tailored CPD training

If you would like more information about working with us as a MAT or federation of schools or would like to discuss the benefits of a bespoke package, please contact us

Using our simple yet powerful search tool, you can quickly:

Find ready-made documents for end of topic review; easily editable to suit your pupils’ needs.

Find the probing question to put to a pupil as they think something through.

KS2 Reasoning Screen

Find quick recap questions for the opening of a lesson.

Consolidate learning, selecting questions for homework or review tasks.

Create your own end of topic assessments that reflect the learning that has taken place in class.

KS2 Reasoning Screen

Search by:


All questions classified for ease of search

Yearly Standard

Select your level of challenge

National Curriculum

All questions matched to NC framework


Explain Show your method


Where each question was sourced

Support teachers

Essential resource for all classroom teachers. Provides a comprehensive bank of questions ideal for preparing students for end of Key Stage tests but also excellent to use when planning to get ideas for model questions. Also extremely reasonably priced for how often it is used by our staff.

Louise Nottage, Year 6
St Anne’s Primary School

Completely essential assessment tool

completely essential assessment tool. No school should be without Testbase with a huge range of questions many which cover greater depth. Saves times and energy. Easy to use and create your own resources or use ready made.

Samina Zarryn, Director of KS2
Abraham Moss Community School


The flexibility of the search function is worth the price alone. Being able to easily find assessment questions which target specific areas is very, very useful.

Chad Wilson, Head of school
Shortlanesend Community Primary School

Diagnostic assessment

I use Testbase for tests, for diagnostic assessment, for end of unit assessments, for homeworks, for differentiation, to give pupils a chance to apply what they have learned, as lesson starters and plenaries. It is a most useful tool.

Nick Wood, Assistant Head
St Egwin’s CE Middle School