Years 1 and 2

Testbase is full of hundreds of age-appropriate, high-quality questions for Years 1 and 2.

Narrow your search by topic, objective and/or level of difficulty and tailor your documents to best suit your needs.

  • Build familiarity and confidence with age-appropriate assessments
  • Elicit pupil understanding and monitor progress
  • Identify gaps in understanding

What’s included?


Prepare your pupils for the Year 1 Phonics Check with examples sourced from the past tests. Review and help secure Year 2 pupils’ prior knowledge by using it again in the Autumn Term.

Perfect for

Phonics lessons (and interventions)
  • Target a specific phonics phase or grapheme
  • Create bespoke word sets to complement your phonics sessions
  • Display on the interactive whiteboard or print as flashcards

Print as PDF or share a link with parents for a paperless version of the week’s spellings. The first 100 high frequency and tricky words are included.


Determine how secure your pupils’ reading comprehension skills are with our KS1 reading question bank. This bank is perfect for more confident Year 1 readers and pupils working at or above the expected standard in Year 2. You will find reading comprehensions sourced from past SATs papers, which can be used alongside teacher assessment and reading schemes for a holistic view of pupil attainment.

Perfect for

Whole class shared reading sessions
  • Search by topic, genre or type a keyword into the quick index search for texts and comprehensions suited to your needs
  • Annotate, highlight and answer on screen
  • Save annotations, including pupil responses, for future cohorts and as evidence of learning
Guided Reading sessions
  • Short texts which can be completed in a 20 minute session
  • Target key reading comprehension skills (use Reading by content domain)
  • Build confidence through discussion and application
  • Display on the interactive whiteboard or print for flexibility of use

Print or share a link with parents for a paperless version.

Ready-made resources and assessments

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

The questions in this bank assess the key stage 1 national curriculum for grammar, punctuation and spelling. Use the evidence from your pupils’ responses to help inform your teacher assessed judgements.

Search by:

  • Topic, e.g. nouns
  • Response type, e.g. matching, short written answer etc
  • Keywords using our quick index search, e.g. compound words.

Perfect for

English lessons (and interventions)
  • Activate prior knowledge at the beginning of a lesson
  • Determine next steps with hinge-point questions
  • Review understanding during independent practice or as plenaries

Print or share a link with parents for a paperless version.

Ready-made resources and assessments

  • Primary grammar, punctuation and spelling progression map


Explore a wide variety of assessment items, including past SATs questions, adapted questions and the ready-to-progress questions and tasks.

Confidently source reliable questions that assess your pupils’ procedural fluency from our Arithmetic question bank. Use our Reasoning question bank to encourage your pupils to apply their skills and understanding. Mark schemes are also included to support you with your ongoing assessments.

Perfect for

Maths lessons
  • Use individual questions to probe pupil thinking (starters, classwork and plenaries)
  • Create compilations for quick quizzes and retrieval practice
  • Adapt and edit questions as desired
Assessment tasks
  • Engage your pupils through rich and authentic assessment tasks
  • Elicit pupil understanding through practical activity and discussion
  • Quick, easy to administer and enjoyable
  • Print as PDF or share a link with parents for a paperless version
  • Use questions as a stimulus for fun, practical activities that can be practised at home

Ready-made resources and assessments

  • White Rose and Maths Mastery aligned topic tests
  • Y2 Arithmetic tests
  • Primary Maths Progression Map
  • End of Year 1 assessments

“For most of the year we stream reading comprehension groups once a week to ensure that all children are provided with teaching and activities that cater to their abilities. I use the Testbase comprehension examples to expose the children to different texts and ways of asking – and answering – questions.”

Holly Chambers, Year Two, Granton Primary School